Hill Wallack LLP Partner Jeffrey G. DiAmico to speak at NBI Commercial Real Estate Seminar
Speaking Engagement
Commercial Real Estate From A to Z
Successfully Represent Your Clients in Commercial Transactions
Monday, October 19, 2015
Holiday Inn Princeton
100 Independence Way
Princeton, NJ 08540
Are you looking to understand the nuances of commercial transactions more thoroughly? Whether you are entering the field of commercial real estate for the first time or looking for a crash course on the fundamentals, this program will provide you with a thorough understanding of attorneys' key responsibilities and common challenges in commercial transactions. For the complete seminar outline click here.
Jeffrey G. DiAmico will speak on the following topic at 3:30pm.
Legal Ethics in Commercial Real Estate
- State Bar Code of Ethics
- Disclosure Requirements
- Dealing with Unrepresented Parties
- Multiple Representations During Transactions
- Conflicts of Interest
This program has been approved for the following Continuing Legal Education credits: CLE 7.20 - NJ, CLE 7.00 - NY, CLE 6.00 - PA