Hill Wallack Partner Kenneth R. Sauter to speak at NJICLE Seminar
Fundamentals of Community Association LawPresented in cooperation with the NJSBA Real Property Trust and Estate Law Section and the New Jersey Chapter of the Community Associations Institute (CAI-NJ)
Thursday, June 13, 2019
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
New Jersey Law CenterKenneth R. Sauter is a partner in the Cedar Knolls, New Jersey office of Hill Wallack LLP and is a member of the firm’s Community Associations, Real Estate, and Banking & Financial Services practice groups.
Mr. Sauter will be among an experienced panel presenting on the fundamentals of community association law. Mr. Sauter will present on topics and issues confronted by community association governing boards, owners, and other professionals, such as attorneys, managing agents, and accountants, including rental restrictions, FHA loan approvals, and advice to attorneys representing the purchasers of homes in community associations.
NJ CLE: This program has been approved for 4.5 credits
PA CLE: 3.5 sbustantive credits pending
NY CLE (Transitional & Non-transitional): 4.5 professional practice credits
For more information, click here.