Robert A. Stewart to present before the Boys and Girls Legacy Society on "Why Do You Need a Will"
What Legacy will you leave?
For many of us, there is a compelling need to make a difference— to leave a lasting impact on the people most dear to us and the world in which we live. The search for significance and desire to plan for the future leads many to ponder their legacy. What kind of legacy will you leave? Please contact us to learn how you can make a difference in the lives and causes you love.
The Boys & Girls Legacy Society Invites you to attend an Educational Session on “Why Do You Need a Will?”
Blake Laurence, Esq.
Davison, Eastman, Munoz, Lederman & Paone
Robert A. Stewart, Esq.
Hill Wallack LLP
February 5, 2019, 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Trenton Country Club
201 Sullivan Way
West Trenton, NJ 08628
(Light food & beverages will be served)
Please RSVP to Alfreda DeMoss,
ademoss@bgcmercer.org, 609-392-3191 x 127.
Due to space limitations we can only accommodate the first 60 to R.S.V.P.