HW Partner Thomas J. Jennings to speak at PRSA International Conference
The Court of Law v. The Court of Public Opinion
Monday, October 28, 2013
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown
1201 Market St.
Philadelphia, Pa.
11:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
The panel will address this proposition:
Most actions taken and decisions made by an organization have a public relationship component to them. Stakeholder groups -- be they internal or external -- will be affected in some way. Most actions or decisions have a legal component which is not always evident. The public relationship considerations can sometimes be overshadowed by legal considerations -- unless legal counsel and management have experienced (or been educated about) the potential ramifications of a legal strategy that does not consider both.
About the speaker:
Thomas J. Jennings is a partner in the Yardley, Pa. office of Hill Wallack LLP and a member of the Business & Commercial practice group. He represents national and local business entities in a wide range of commercial transactions, with a particular focus on facility development and operations. Clients rely on him for guidance in structuring agreements with the public sector and the formation of public-private partnerships. Mr. Jennings works with industry leaders in solid waste and recycling, brownfield redevelopment, maritime commerce and renewable energy. He has served in a general counsel capacity as well as lead project counsel for major business operations.
Other panels members include Michele Jalbert, Esq., principal, Effective Advocates Collaborative and Stacey Smith, APR, Fellow PRSA, senior counsel and partner, Jackson Jackson & Wagner.