June 1, 2012
Hill Wallack LLP Partner to Present to New Jersey Chinese-American Chamber of Commerce
Join the NJCACC to learn about the benefits of Small Business Administration (SBA) Certification and SBA 504 Loans on Wednesday, June 20th from 6pm – 8:30pm at the Crowne Plaza of Edison (English Presentations).
Small businesses, inherently unable to tap into the long-term capital market, can do so with the U.S. Small Business Administration’s 504 loan, which is a fixed asset financing program for expanding small businesses. It is the first federal financing tool to recognize the importance of small businesses in the job creation process through their physical plant expansions. Terms and conditions more suited to the needs of small business are possible through 504 loans. The 504 loan program supplements conventional lending sources, and is a valuable tool for financing the acquisition and refinancing of real estate, buildings and equipment at below market rates. Join Henry Chou, partner at Hill Wallack LLP as he explores the topic of U.S. Small Business Administration 504 Loans.
Sanford Gerber of the US Small Business Administration will also present Federal Procurements Preference Programs. For further information visit http://www.njcacc.org/.