June 1, 2012
Social Media Presentations Offered to Middle School and High School Students and their Parents
Become educated on the topics of civil liability in the age of social media and how seemingly innocent actions, especially on the internet, could result in catastrophic outcomes such as denial to College and an inability to obtain employment. Hill Wallack LLP Trial Attorney, and Former Deputy Attorney General of New Jersey, Laura A. Schaff will discuss topics which will include the effects of social media (face book, twitter, webcams, blogs, texting, e-mailing, etc.), bullying, slander/liable, social responsibility, and how these affect your ability to gain acceptance into College and ultimately gain employment. The presentations will be interactive and students and parents are encouraged to engage in a fruitful dialogue.
High school students and parents are invited to attend this presentation on Monday, June 25, 2012 at 6:30 PM at the Marlboro Public Library (1 Library Court, Marlboro). Not only is this topic helpful to students of all ages, this topic is vitally important for High School students who are applying to or gearing up to apply to Colleges. What you do right now will impact your success in the future.
Middle school students and parents are invited to attend this presentation on Monday, July 16, 2012 at 6:30 PM Marlboro Public Library (1 Library Court, Marlboro). This topic is important for students who are preparing for the formidable years ahead of them as they apply to Colleges and forge their futures.