June 1, 2012
Hill Wallack LLP Attorney to Present to Hamilton Area YMCA Active Older Adult (AOA) program
Hill Wallack LLP Trial Attorney, and Former Deputy Attorney General of New Jersey, Laura A. Schaff will be presenting an informative and essential seminar that could change your future. You and your loved ones are invited to attend the AOA Meeting on Thursday, June 14, 2012 at 1:30 PM to educate yourself on how to protect yourself, your loved ones, and plan for the future. It is of vital importance to understand how to plan your future properly by having a will, living will, power of attorney, healthcare power of attorney, and to understand the legal significance of each. The presentation will be interactive and participants are encouraged to engage in a fruitful dialogue. Not only is this topic helpful to people of all ages, this topic is essential for all older adults. What you do right now will impact your future and the future of your loved ones. Are you prepared? Stop by the Cranbrook Conference Room located next to the Hamilton Area YMCA to make sure you are prepared for the future. The YMCA is located at 1315 Whitehorse-Mercerville Road in Hamilton. Call (609) 581-9622 ext. 117 for further information.