June 18, 2009
Hill Wallack LLP Partner Featured Speaker of CAI Law Seminar
Princeton, NJ – Michael S. Karpoff, a partner of the Princeton law firm of Hill Wallack LLP and member of the firm’s Community Association Practice Group was recently a featured speaker at the 30th Annual Community Association Law Seminar in Palm Springs, California, sponsored by the Community Associations Institute (CAI). The Law Seminar was attended by over 400 lawyers, community association managers and others from throughout the country. It explored trends and practices in the law of homeowner associations, condominiums, and residential cooperatives. Twenty-three educational programs were provided.
Mr. Karpoff presented a seminar on “The Attorney Client Privilege and Confidentiality in Community Associations.” His topic concerned how the attorney-client privilege applies and is affected when the client is a community association, rather than an individual, and is comprised of member owners and can act only through its agents. He also discussed other issues regarding confidentiality with respect to associations, including governing board members’ obligations.
A member of Hill Wallack LLP’s Community Association Law Practice Group, Mr. Karpoff is certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a civil trial attorney and is a member of the national College of Community Association Lawyers. He graduated from Rutgers College, holds a Master of Science degree in public relations from Boston University, and received his Juris Doctor degree from Rutgers Law School – Newark.
A resident of Highland Park, New Jersey, Mr. Karpoff is admitted to practice law in New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania as well as before the United States Supreme Court, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, and the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey. He is a director of the New Jersey Chapter of the Community Associations Institute and serves on the Amicus Curiae Advisory Group for CAI. He also is a member of national, state and county bar associations and is a past chairman of the New Jersey State Bar Association’s Common Interest Ownership Committee.
Hill Wallack LLP is one of the largest law firms in Central New Jersey with offices in Princeton and Atlantic City, New Jersey and Yardley, Pennsylvania. Over the past 30 years, the firm has earned a reputation for comprehensive problem solving. The firm’s well-known practice groups in Land Use, Environmental & Government Regulations, Workers’ Compensation, Insurance Defense, Real Estate, Regulatory & Government Affairs, Community Association Law, and Construction and Business Law are complemented by specialties in Gaming Law, Employment, Professional Liability, Government Procurement and Public Finance. Its numerous clients from the local, national and international communities rely upon the firm for a broad range of legal services.