July 13, 2021
Jerry Hanson to Speak on New Jersey State Bar Association Webcast CLE Program on the Recent New Jersey Supreme Court Decision in Huggins v. Aquilar
On July 13 at 3pm to 4:40pm, Jerry Hanson will be a featured speaker at the New Jersey State Bar Association CLE webcast program, “Escape Clauses: Analyzing the Supreme Court Decision in Huggins v. Aquilar.”
The program will explore the implications of the New Jersey Supreme Court’s recent decision, Huggins v. Aquilar, in which a car dealer’s insurance policy did not cover a loaner car driver because the driver had her own minimum insurance. The question posed to the Court was whether this clause in the insurance contract was a permissible stepdown provision, or an unlawful escape clause. NJICLE assembled a panel that will analyze the decision and discuss the impact it will have on insurance coverage and liability issues going forward.
Learn more and register.