May 12, 2021
Client Alert: Further Guidance for Community Associations on New Jersey COVID-19 Pool Requirements
Of note is the elimination of the formal “Pool Ambassador” role, which is getting much attention. However, even though the position is not mentioned in this guidance, many of the functions of that position remain in place and are assigned to a different individual, who is now called the “COVID-19 Point of Contact.” This individual will still need to ensure that all mitigation and safety protocols are being implemented and the Point of Contact cannot be the lifeguard.
Approval from the local health authority is still required and a COVID-19 Pool Operation prevention plan must still be submitted. The DOH’s guidance continues to recommend social distancing, mask wearing and sanitizing, although sanitizing requirements have been slightly relaxed such that daily cleaning is the minimum. There are continued requirements for reservations, signage and risk mitigation awareness.
If your association is planning to use its pool furniture, we recommend that you post signs and provide supplies requiring users to sanitize the furniture before and after its use.
Note that additional guidance regarding capacity limits will be issued on or around May 19. We will keep you updated about that and any other developments. Please feel free to contact a member of the Community Associations Group with any questions regarding the content in this alert.