October 14, 2020
Hill Wallack Family Law Partner Supti Bhattacharya To Be Guest Alumna Speaker On Cultural Competency Presenting To Rutgers Law Students
Speaking Engagement
Professionalism Hour on Cultural Competency
On Wednesday, October 14th, Supti Bhattacharya will be speaking to Rutgers Laws Students on Cultural Competency.
About the program:
Cultural competency is the ability to adapt, work and manage successfully in new and unfamiliar cultural settings. It is a practical skill that can be learned, and which today’s law student should acquire given the changing face of our society and legal workforce. Legal scholars have opined that lawyers can develop cultural competency through the acquisition of awareness, knowledge, and skills needed to function effectively in a pluralistic society (ability to communicate, interact, negotiate, and intervene on behalf of clients from diverse backgrounds) and on an organization/societal level, advocating effectively to develop new theories, practices, policies, and organization structures that are more responsive to all groups. This Professionalism Hour will focus on the initial steps of developing cultural competency to more effectively engage with clients, colleagues and adversaries.
Supti Bhattacharya is a partner in the Princeton, N.J. office of Hill Wallack LLP, where she is Chairperson of the firm’s New Jersey Family Law practice group. Ms. Bhattacharya represents clients in matters involving Divorce, Separation, Custody, International Custody Issues, Child Support, Alimony, College Tuition and Expenses Contribution, Child Emancipation, Equitable Distribution of Assets, Domestic Violence, Pre-Nuptial Agreements and Mid-Marriage Agreements.