Divorce and Family Law Partner Supti Bhattacharya confirmed speaker for NJICLE – Financial Domestic Violence – How To Identify It And How To Protect Victims
Speaking Engagement
Financial Domestic Violence – How To Identify It And How To Protect Victims
Presented in Cooperation with the NJSBA Family Law Section, NJSBA Criminal Law Section,
NJSBA Women in the Profession Section, and the Legal Education CommitteeOctober is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Not all abuse is physical. Financial Abuse can have a devastating impact on victims and often entraps them in abusive relationships.
On Wednesday, October 21st, Supti Bhattacharya will be among a group of panelists discussing case law wherein the Courts have addressed Financial Abuse, explore how to identify Financial Domestic Abuse, and how to address it and effectively represent victims. This Live Webcast will be held from 3:00 p.m. – 4:40 p.m.
Supti Bhattacharya is a partner in the Princeton, N.J. office of Hill Wallack LLP, where she is Chairperson of the firm’s New Jersey Family Law practice group. Ms. Bhattacharya represents clients in matters involving Divorce, Separation, Custody, International Custody Issues, Child Support, Alimony, College Tuition and Expenses Contribution, Child Emancipation, Equitable Distribution of Assets, Domestic Violence, Pre-Nuptial Agreements and Mid-Marriage Agreements.
For additional program and CLE information, or to register, click here.