Hill Wallack Complex Litigation partner Eric I. Abraham will be presenting at American Conference Institute's "Paragraph IV on Virtual Trial COVID-19 Edition" Conference
The global pandemic has ushered in extraordinary roadblocks for the Hatch-Waxman community. Practitioners and litigants are battling with unforeseen hurdles as they navigate FDA approval schedules, filing deadlines, the 30-month stay, launch dates, and practicing law in the virtual courtroom. This new virtual conference will guide you through the many procedural dilemmas that ANDA litigators are experiencing as a result of the novel coronavirus and provide solutions to coronavirus-related disruptions to Hatch-Waxman litigation.
On Thursday, August 20, 2020, Eric I. Abraham will be among a panel of attorneys discussing The Impact to Motion Practice.
Mr. Abraham’s lecture will be part of the lecture series entitled “Welcome to the Virtual Courtroom: Navigating Paragraph IV Litigating from Home.” While courts were already exploring virtual media for procedures such as conference calls, scheduling meetings, etc., the coronavirus forced traditional litigation into the virtual forum. Further, there is every indication given the efficiency as well as cost saving aspects of virtual litigation, that this trend may continue well after the time of a COVID cure. In this three-part series, leaders from industry will help you navigate this brave new world as it applies to ANDA litigation.
Eric I. Abraham is a partner in the Princeton and Red Bank, N.J. offices of Hill Wallack LLP. He leads the Firm’s Complex Litigation practice group, and is a member of the Firm’s Life Sciences, Banking & Financial Services and Redevelopment practice groups. Equally skilled in the board room and the court room, Mr. Abraham counsels his clients in a wide variety of practice areas and across industries. Banks, pharmaceutical companies, developers and business owners all rely upon Mr. Abraham’s legal advice to solve their most difficult problems. Mr. Abraham is a versatile business counselor and a no-nonsense trial lawyer with the skills to bring a case from initial investigation and pre-trial discovery through trial and appeals, in both state and federal court. He has significant experience with partnership and corporate conflicts such as medical practice dissolutions and minority/oppressed shareholder cases.
For additional program information and registration, click here.