Hill Wallack Family Law partner Albertina Webb Presenting for NJICLE's 2020 Summer CLEfest
NJICLE’s Summer CLEfest - Live Webcast on Thursday, August 13, 2020 - 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Abby Webb will be presenting at the Family Law Track’s afternoon session, beginning at 12:45 p.m. The topic is: Calculating and Adjudicating Child Support: What Every NJ Lawyer Needs to KnowYou will hear an experienced panel examine common issues and problems family lawyers are likely to encounter in support matters including: treatment of alimony, inheritance, investments, pension and other sources of income in relation to child support; how support is calculated when parents have a true 50/50 custody arrangement; reasons for deviation and Paragraph 21; how to deal with the "kid’s car" and so much more.
Click here for additional program information and registration.